Monday, July 20, 2009

Trying to be positive, and failing

Normally if you asked, I'd tell you I like my job. But lately it's been stressful. We've got too much to do, and not enough writers to do it. It's meant working long hours and not taking any vacation time.

So, now I find out that, not only do I have 45 days worth of work to do in 15, they're taking away my telecommuting. When I first started with the company, I had been telecommuting 2 days a week. Then about a year ago they made it 1 day a week. And now, nope, sorry, none.

And why? Is it because I'm not working enough? Is it because they feel I'm not productive? No, they recognize that I get a LOT done when I work from home, more than when I'm in the office. They tell me I'm one of the most productive writers they've got. OK, then why? Oh, yeah, because it's company policy. Never mind that there's people who work from home EVERY DAY. And I can't one day a week, to avoid 3 hours of commuting?!?!

But hey, I can't complain, at least I've got a job, right?


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