Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ultrasounds are cool!

This week E and I went for my first ultrasound. At 13 weeks, 0 days, I wouldn't normally have gotten one, but my midwife wanted to check my due date. So, we went to Leominster hospital and got an ultrasound.

The little one was moving all over the place, wiggling, waving, and seeming to have a good time being watched. It was really neat to see! We also got to listen to the heart beat (E didn't think it sounded like a horse or a washing machine). And we got pictures! Prior to this, I never really thought ultrasound pictures were all that neat, but now that they're of our little one... They're so cool!

The tech said the little one was measuring 12 weeks, 5 days, and that 2 days difference isn't enough to move the due date. She said next ultrasound (around 20 weeks) the little one could measure 2 days in the other direction. So I'm still due May 20, 2010.

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