The main idea is to reduce your carbon footprint- the amount of CO2 you help produce by going about your daily lives. If you haven't figured out what your carbon footprint is, you should give it a try. Its amazing how much a single household contributes to global warming. There are many calculators out there:
- Earth Day Footprint Quiz
- Carbon Calculator
- Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth Carbon Calculator
- Replace incandescent light bulbs with CFL bulbs
- Take cloth bags to the grocery store
- Insulate your water heater
- Reduce the time in the shower
- Turn down the thermostat in the winter, turn it up in the summer
- Do laundry in cold water
- Buy energy efficient appliances, and recycle the old ones
- Air dry clothes
- Bike or walk instead of driving
- Grow your own vegies, no transportation needed
- Replace your hot water heater with a Point of Service (POS) water heater
- Only turn on lights if you need them, and turn them off when you're not in the room
- Compost instead of throwing biodegradable material away
- Get food from local farmers markets and farm stands
- Reuse your water glass all day
- Install rain barrels at your gutters for watering plants
- Use drained cooking water to water house plants, the added nutrients are good for the plants
- Carpool
mmmmm..... carbon!
I have small footprints, carbon included!
-do wash in cold h2o
-walk or take the T almost everywhere
-re-use my glass all day
-carry groceries in re-usable totes or the bin of my stroller
-belong to a CSA
-keep the thermostat low
-live for farmers markets (Brookline has an awesome one during the Summer...I can't wait!)
It's easy once you get used to it!
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