I keep a garden log. According to the log, last year in late April it got to the 80s for 4 days. But, the saving grace, it was in the 30s at night. And now it's late April again. And yesterday it was 89 degrees F here. 89! Did it cool off last night into the 30s? No such luck, it didn't even get down to 60. Ugh, ugh, UGH!!!
I know, most people love this kind of weather. But really, it's hot, and the pools, which are the only reason to tolerate this kind of weather, aren't open yet. The trees haven't leafed out so there's very little shade. The area swimming holes have 40 degree water. The ice cream trucks aren't even around yet! (Not that they come by here, but I hear them in the development that borders our property.) I don't even have E to distract me because he's gotten his spring cold, (poor guy), and is spending his snuffly weekend watching The Wood Whisperer video podcast (yeah, I know, how can I pass THAT up?) I've finished all of my books, so I'm rereading old material.
OK, so I'll try to see the positive side of this. My close line is up, and I've dried 4 loads of laundry in 4 hours. ... ... That's it, that's all I've got.
There's nothing fun to do in April when it's 89. So I'm hot. And bored. And whining.
Thank you for listening. :)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
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